In accordance with article 27 of the Higher Education Act (Reporting Foreign Doctorate Degrees), degree recipients may use the system to register their foreign doctorate degrees.
Reports may be issued after the final authorization of the NRF, and will include information about the degree submitted by the degree holder.
Foreign Doctorate Degree Report Certificates issued by the NRF may only be used as proof of completion of the
degree report by the degree holder.
The use of Foreign Degree Report Certificates as a document to authorize
or judge the validity of degrees is prohibited
(Rules of Operation, Article 9, Item 4).
Statistical Information regarding researchers who have completed Foreign Doctorate Degree Reports is available.
In order to provide a clear understanding of current statistics about foreign degree holders, the scope of data accessible by the public has been enlarged and is now indexed by year, subject, nation, university, gender of degree holder, and other various categories.
The dissertations and research papers of degree holders who have completed a Foreign Doctorate Degree Report and consented to provide research papers have been archived and made available to the public.
This service is provided with providing academic information to future researchers and interested members of the public.
This site is registered your degree information and dissertation.
After the required documents were
the workflow is in progress.
This system offers the largest repository
of foreign doctoral dissertations in Korea.
dissertations are accessible to the public.
There are dissertations currently. 48,363CASE
609 Canada
27,562 USA
12 Brazil
133 Republic of South Africa
3,283 Germany
563 Russia
1,809 China
7,450 Japan
493 Australia
76 Univ. of Alberta
1,027 University of Texas at Austin
5 Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)
47 University of Stellenbosch
172 Freie Univ. Berlin
155 Moscow State University
371 北京大學
1,193 東京大學
115 University of New South Wales
0 Canada
0 Brazil
0 Republic of South Africa
0 Germany
0 Russia
0 China
0 Japan
0 Australia